Nature's Heart Superfoods Chia Seeds 1kg
Nature's Heart Superfoods Chia Seeds 1kg
How do you like your chia seeds? Do you soak them, bake with them, cook with them or sprinkle them for a crunchy power topping? Chia seeds are a good addition to your diet and the Nature's Heart Superfoods Chia Seeds is a perfect choice. Nature's Heart Superfoods Chia Seeds are carefully packed, hand-harvested Peruvian chia, suitable for vegans. It is gluten free, wheat free, dairy free and 100% plant based. It is an incredible source of nutrient - containing high levels of omega 3, fiber and protein in addition to a range of key vitamins, minerals (Magnesium, calcium, iron) and antioxidants.
If you like Nature's Heart Superfoods Chia Seeds, please try other products like Arrowhead Mills Organic Coconut Flour, Kirkland Signature Bacon Crumbles, Nature's Heart Superfoods Pumpkin Seed, Tropical Sun Almonds. We supply and deliver to your doorstep Nature's Heart Superfoods Chia Seeds for your enjoyment, all at your convenience.
For best results, store your Nature's Heart Superfoods Chia Seeds in a dry, dark, cool place. This will keep your chia seeds fresh.
You can count on Fresh To Dommot to deliver quality Nature's Heart Superfoods Chia Seeds in the quantity you desire.
Please shop at www.freshtodomot.com for all your grocery needs.